I also recommend Technical Graphics Communication by Bertoline
or Visualization, Modeling, and Graphics for Engineering Design by Lieu.
Most engineering graphic textbooks deal with Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing in a light or superficial manner, so in addition to choosing a Graphics text or reference book I highly recommend picking up a used copy of Geometrical Deimensioning and Tolearcing for Design, Manufacturing and Inspection by Henzold.
Regardless which set of textbooks you choose make sure they cover the following topics.
- The engineering graphics language and design process
- Free-hand sketching
- View projections
- Multi-view projection
- Sectional views
- Auxiliary views
- Dimensioning
- Tolerancing
- Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing
- Hardware (fastners, threads, springs, cams, gears, etc.)
- Working drawings
- Fits
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