When did mankind begin making formal plans, designs and drawings before beginning to build their beautiful and massive buildings and structures. We have the writing (hieroglyphics) of Egyptians dating back to 4000 BC that tell wonderful stories of their lives and times. In the New World the pre-Mayan and Mayan cultures also used hieroglyphics to illustrate and describe life. However, little can be found that suggests these civilizations created drawings and plans for their building, structures, and cities. Is this possible? Were they that skilled craftsmen?

This video quickly scans and highlights how ancient hieroglyphics and graphics has morphed it way into engineering drawings and graphics, and today is largely done using 2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional Computer-aided Design (CAD) systems.

This video is approximately 10 minutes in length.

About The Author

Received Design and Mechanical Engineering Degrees from Brigham Young and Purdue Universities. Has 30+ years of teaching Design, Engineering and Manufacturing courses (mainly at BYU, but also taught manufacturing classes at Purdue while earning his PhD). Conducted over $10M in research for the likes of: NSF, State of Utah, NIST, Pratt & Whitney, Boeing, US Army, Siemens, Microsoft, GM, Belcan, Spirit, UTAS, Altair, Orbital ATK, Ford, United Technologies, and Allied Signal (now Honeywell). Married to my sweetheart for the past 38 years; father of 7 talented children and grandfather to 18 wonderful grandchildern. Learn more about Dr. Jensen and CAD Modeling Hub.

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